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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Ciel Pullip Doll~

XD My sister found Ciel as a Pullip Doll ages ago, but now I want it! I've recently became a fan of Kuroshitsuji, and now I want to collect Merchandise... The good news is, I found a good site to buy it off, and its on sale so its 20% off! But, the problem is, I cant manage to get $128.00 US in about 17 days?! Its nearly impossible for me!!! The offer ends on the 31st of July and I've only decided yesterday that I wanted one... I asked my mum about it, but she said that its kind of hard to get that much money! So now I'm depressed.... I have 2 choices... 1 choice is to do loads of house work, and get money. The other choice is to save up, but not get the 20% off. I don't know which one to pick!!! @.@ 

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